Monday, May 31, 2010

i just read a blog about a girl i will not call her a lady who lost her husband in service.she writes about everything she does every day and puts it online.does she know she is given weird people a chance to know where she is at all the time.i am sorry for her lost but i beleive she is going to get in trouble by someone who might read to just see about hurting her.i read where she went to florida to get money for her baby.what happened to all the money she got when her husband died?she was talking about drinking beers. getting tatoos.i do not like what our last president did by sending us to war it was wrong he was just doing it because of his dad then because of 9/11 my family serves the military right on and have been over there about 6times now.i do not agree with it because so many are being killed and then we the tax payers have to pay out a hugh sum of money to the wifes who married just before they were sent over not get me wrong i live in a town where there are alot of service people and that is what the ladys do marry them before they are to go just incase they are killed they will get a large sum of money.i know for a fact of 6 women who did this it should be that they are married for a year before the wifes get the money.i have been married for 22 years and i would not want one cent when my husband died if i could not enjoy it with him i would not want it after he wake up people 2 days after there husbands are dead they are out shaking their butts looking for another marine to settle down with .

1 comment:

  1. Rachel doesn't write about every aspect of her day. Nor does she post every day.

    You very clearly know absolutely NOTHING about Rachel or her life, and should refrain from acting as though you do.
